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  • Support us | Afrocats | Charity

    We're a small charity with big ambitions. We want to create a more diverse and equitable society. But we can't do this alone, we need your support. Nous sommes une petite association avec de grandes ambitions. Nous voulons voir les réfugiés et les demandeurs d'asile prospérer parce qu'ils ont pu s'intégrer pleinement dans la société. Mais nous ne pouvons pas faire cela seuls, nous avons besoin de votre soutien. Il existe de nombreuses façons de vous impliquer et de nous aider à bâtir des communautés résilientes qui mènent une vie heureuse et saine. School Fundraising We have lots of ways your school can fundraise for Afrocats and help us creater kinder and more inclusive communities. Find out more Partnerships By partnering with Afrocats your employees can support diverse communities in Greater Manchester. Find out more Fundraise your way Whether you are running a marathon or hositing an event you can fundraise for Afrocats on Just Giving. Find out more Make a donation today Chaque sou que nous collectons sert à éliminer les obstacles pour aider les gens à se connecter avec les communautés et à vivre une vie meilleure 10 £ fournira des données pour un jeune afin qu'il puisse rester connecté 10 £ fournira des données pour un jeune afin qu'il puisse rester connecté 5 £ paierait les dépenses d'un volontaire Faire un don Notre travail est rendu possible grâce à nos bailleurs de fonds et supporters Supported by Manchester City Council Population Health Other ways to give There are lots of ways that you can support Afrocats, whether it is celebrating a special occasion, leaving a gift in memory of a loved one, or giving as you shop online. Find out more

  • School fundraising | Afrocats | Charity

    Help us build a kinder and more inclusive society by inspiring your students to give back. Grâce au réseau GM BAME (GMBAMEN) de décembre 2020 à fin février 2021, nous organisons des sessions interactives de théâtre et de poésie Download a fundraising pack Fundraising ideas Nominate us as your charity of the year The whole school community can get involved with fundraising for Afrocats as your charity of the year. You'll get to see the impact of your fundraising with updates throughout the year or the term. Dress up or dress down Pick a Friday and hold a dress-up or dress-down day. Dress up as your favourite character, artist or country. Raffle and a bake sale Raffle off prizes that you've made or sourced from local businesses. You could also make cakes and sweet treats to sell on the day. Collection boxes Keep a collection box on your school reception desk or in the staff room. Movie day Pick movies from different cultures to screen in school, charge a ticket entry fee and sell popcorn or other treats. Donate goods or products We regularly need donations of toiletries, clothing, period products, laptops or tablets, and data. Why not keep a collection bin in school. Supporting your curriculum Partnering with Afrocats can support your PHSE, citizenship and geography curriculums. Through your lessons and fundraising efforts, you can help your students to explore topics such as migration, culture shock and displacement. Introducing these themes can help students to develop respect and empathy. Download a fundraising pack Find out how schools have been making a difference with us Aucun post publié dans cette langue actuellement Dès que de nouveaux posts seront publiés, vous les verrez ici.

  • Partnerships | Afrocats | CIO

    We love to partner with companies that are driven to create a better society. Sound like you? Become a corporate partner today. Our corporate partners help us reach some of the most disadvantaged people living in Greater Manchester. Our programmes are free of charge for people to access but this is only possible with support from our donors and supporters. We rely on almost 100% of fundraised income. How you can work with Afrocats Partnering with us will give your employees opportunities to get involved with work that is making a real difference in communities across Greater Manchester. We like to partner with organisations that can bring their unique knowledge and experience to our projects. Or companies that have a desire to create more inclusive communities. There are lots of ways that we can work together to support your company's aims and help us achieve our charitable mission. We'll work collaboratively with you to make our partnership a success, here are some of the ways you can help. Nominate us as Charity of the Year As Charity of the Year, Afrocats will give your employees meaningful opportunities to fundraise, volunteer, and provide pro-bono support. Cause related marketing projects If you are looking for a good cause to work with and promote your work, Afrocats could be the charity to work with. Strategic partnerships A one-off or long term strategic partnership can demonstrate our shared long-term goals and make a measurable difference to communities in Greater Manchester. Let's talk! If you're not sure how you'd like to partner with us but know that we can make a difference together, get in touch. We'd love to hear from you! If you would like to join our mission to build agency, aspiration and opportunities for young people and women from diverse communities get in touch and make a difference today.

  • Tools for negative thoughts | Afrocats | CIO

    When negative thinking takes over it can impact our mental health, leaving you feeling depressed or anxious. Translate this page Imagine you are lying on a big grassy hill. Feel the grass underneath your feet. How would the sun feel shining on your face? Imagine the feeling of a soft breeze. Listen to the sounds of birds around you. There is nothing else. Just you, the hill, and the open sky. Now, imagine that each thought you notice is a cloud passing overhead. Notice each thought as it comes up and watch it just as you would watch a cloud passing on a sunny day. You are not trying to do anything about it, not worrying about it or trying to change it; just observing it with a smile. You will begin to notice more thoughts arising. Do not do anything about these either. Just watch them come into your sky and then gently float away. Breathing in, breathing out. Thoughts as Clouds Compassionate friend Get into a comfortable position. Close your eyes and put your hands on your heart. Imagine you are in a safe and comfortable place. Now imagine you have a visitor. They are a compassionate friend - full of wisdom, strength and unconditional love. Take a few moments. Imagine your compassionate friend in as much detail as possible. Allow yourself to feel what it is like to be in their presence. Keep that in your mind for a few moments. Take a few more moments to enjoy your friends' presence. Your friend is a part of yourself. All the compassionate feelings you are experiencing flow from your own inner wisdom. “Deep down in the human spirit there is a reservoir of courage. It is always available, always waiting to be discovered” Pema Chodron Multilingual downloads Urdu French Farsi English

  • Natives of the World | Afrocats | CIO

    Natives of the World supports women have happy, healthy and creative lives where they feel valued for the contribution they make. We work with women who have experienced persecution, trauma and inequalities to develop their confidence and increase their skills. Many of the women we work with are navigating the asylum system. The women who access our programmes are often isolated and experience low self-esteem. Many have long-term health issues, and mental health issues such as post-traumatic stress and depression. 488 women aged 18+ 100% are Black, Asian or from the global majority 15% have experienced domestic violence 92% are currently in the asylum system Over the past year we've worked with Services for adults We deliver projects and activities that help women to develop confidence, learn new skills and feel included. Healthy lives Whether it's shimmying and shaking or walking and talking our projects support healthy hearts and happy lives. Creative culture We use creativity to support women to make friends, have fun and improve access to frontline services. We learn Our projects look at upskilling women so they can be included and start on the pathway to employment. Volunteer with Afrocats Our volunteering opportunities help women to add vital experience to their CVs and broaden their horizons. If you would like to join our programme, or would like to make a referral we'd love to hear from you. Please fill in our enquiry form and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Maternity Care Read how we worked with Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, the Caribbean and African Health Network (CAHN), and Ardwick and Longsight Primary Care Network to explore ways to improve maternity care for women from Eastern African backgrounds living in Longsight. Find out more Read about our latest Natives of The World projects Aucun post publié dans cette langue actuellement Dès que de nouveaux posts seront publiés, vous les verrez ici.

  • Families | Afrocats | CIO

    Our families programme provides opportunities for families to create, make, shimmy and shake. Afrocats works in partnership to deliver creative activities for families. We break down cultural barriers and provide opportunities for sanctuary seekers and local families to connect through creativity. 41 events for families 3133 families attend our public events 3 partners to deliver actitivies for families 100% of families tell us they had a good time Over the past year we've had Afrocats x Whitworth We've partnered with Whitworth Art Gallery to reimagine how cultural spaces can connect with local families in a more accessible, inclusive and equitable way. En savoir plus We can fund refugee and asylum seekers' travel and refreshments to break down any financial barriers they face when considering visiting a gallery event. If you are attending one of our events and need access support, register your attendance here. Read about our latest families projects Aucun post publié dans cette langue actuellement Dès que de nouveaux posts seront publiés, vous les verrez ici.

  • Afrocats health and wellbeing activities | Asylum seekers Refugees | Manchester

    Through our work we dismantle the health and wellbeing inequalities people seeking sanctuary face Nous travaillons avec les communautés pour co-créer des opportunités pour les personnes confrontées à des difficultés dans leur vie et qui souhaitent s'intégrer pleinement dans la société. Nous sommes passionnés par l'élimination des barrières sociales, économiques, culturelles et linguistiques afin que les gens puissent avoir une meilleure qualité de vie. Maternity Care We're working in partnership with the NHS, the Longside Primary Care Network and the Caribbean and African Health Network to reduce maternity health inequalities in Manchester. Find out more Wellbeing and mindfulness tools We worked with over 35 women in culturally specific groups to develop mindfulness and wellbeing tools. These resources are available for anyone experiencing difficulties to make use of them in their daily lives. Use our tools Menopause project We're creating a comfortable and friendly space for women from sanctuary-seeking backgrounds to talk about their reproductive health with GPs and medical professionals Find out more

  • Support For Refugees And Asylum Seekers | Afrocats | Manchester

    Un espace chaleureux, convivial et sûr pour les réfugiés et les personnes confrontées à l'exclusion sociale à Manchester Nous travaillons avec les communautés pour co-créer des opportunités pour les personnes confrontées à des difficultés dans leur vie et qui souhaitent s'intégrer pleinement dans la société. Nous sommes passionnés par l'élimination des barrières sociales, économiques, culturelles et linguistiques afin que les gens puissent avoir une meilleure qualité de vie. Soutenez notre travail Chaque sou que nous collectons sert à éliminer les obstacles pour aider les gens à se connecter avec les communautés et à vivre une vie meilleure 10 £ fournira des données pour un jeune afin qu'il puisse rester connecté 10 £ fournira des données pour un jeune afin qu'il puisse rester connecté 5 £ paierait les dépenses d'un volontaire Faire un don Proud winners of Fantastic for Families Award 2023 Audience Impact & Innovation Award Winner Spirit of Manchester Award 2022 Creative Community Spirit Manchester Cultural Award 2021 Cultural care in Covid

  • Youth of the World | Afrocats | Charity

    Youth of the World supports young people to broaden their horizons, develop their skills and importantly have lots of fun We work with children and young people aged 5 to 18. They might be living in temporary accommodation, seeking sanctuary in the UK or experiencing barriers because of their economic status. Without the support of Afrocats, they would have limited opportunities to participate in activities and enriching experiences outside of school. 1322 children and young people 85% are Black, Asian or from the global majority 40% were living in temporary accomodation 10% are home schooled or not regularly in school Over the past year we've worked with Services for young people We deliver projects and activities that support young people to feel included, help them to develop skills and improve their wellbeing. Creative Expression Whether it's mark-making or hip-shaking, our Saturday sessions are full of creative energy and fun. We Lead Projects to level up leadership skills, develop confidence and empower young people to be leaders in their communities. Explore with Afrocats Cultural visits and inspiring experiences for young people in venues across Greater Manchester. Volunteer with Afrocats Volunteering opportunities to boost CVs, develop new skills and meet new people. If you would like to join our programme, or would like to make a referral we'd love to hear from you. Please fill in our enquiry form and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Read about our latest Youth of The World projects Aucun post publié dans cette langue actuellement Dès que de nouveaux posts seront publiés, vous les verrez ici.

  • Afrocats x Whitworth | Partnership | Families

    Working in partnership with Whitworth Art Gallery we're reimagining how cultural spaces can connect with local families in a more accessible, inclusive and equitable way Nous travaillons avec les communautés pour co-créer des opportunités pour les personnes confrontées à des difficultés dans leur vie et qui souhaitent s'intégrer pleinement dans la société. Nous sommes passionnés par l'élimination des barrières sociales, économiques, culturelles et linguistiques afin que les gens puissent avoir une meilleure qualité de vie. x Through our powerful partnership, Whitworth Art Gallery and Afrocats are able to fund refugee and asylum seekers travel and refreshments to break down any financial barriers they face when considering visiting a gallery. If you are attending one of our events and need access support, register your attendance here . «Vous ne pouvez pas parler de Magdalen sans un grand sourire car son énergie et son enthousiasme sont tout simplement contagieux. Elle s'engage à 100% à faire en sorte que les voix souvent inouïes soient clairement écoutées et travaille avec une passion, une intégrité et une gentillesse qui inspirent tout autour d'elle. Ce fut une joie de voir les participants de première main s'épanouir sous les soins de Magdalen et être soutenus pour développer leurs propres compétences et leurs réseaux sociaux. Sarah Hiscock, responsable de l'engagement - Manchester International Festival

  • Our team | Afrocats | CIO

    Nous sommes une petite mais dévouée équipe de praticiens, de bénévoles et de consultants qui travaillent ensemble pour aider les communautés à prospérer Magdalen Bartlett Founder and CEO Ali Gunn Comms and Marketing Edel Fernandez Vanaclocha Project Producer Estee Lynch Project Producer Jordan Sheard Project Producer Maisha Kungu Project Assistant Maya Marsh Project Assistant Teresa Ndong Project Assistant Naomi Kohn Project Assistant Tania Tellez Social Media and Events Vicki Leigh Grant Fundraiser and Admin Reina Yaidoo Curateur Reina a travaillé dans des domaines mêlant technologie et culture au cours de la dernière décennie. Elle dirige une entreprise sociale spécialisée dans les sciences, la technologie et la santé pour les communautés sous-représentées. Elle apporte un large éventail de compétences à Afrocat, y compris la gestion d'entreprise et de projet, la diffusion et les médias sociaux, l'initiation et la gestion de partenariats collaboratifs avec un éventail de parties prenantes, la rédaction d'applications et de rapports. En tant que présentatrice et productrice de radio de formation, Reina dirige Sanguine, l'émission scientifique, technologique et de santé sur une station de radio locale et a présenté sur BBC Radio. Reina est gouvernante dans son école primaire locale et a reçu une formation en gestion de la performance, en sauvegarde ainsi que des travaux antérieurs sur le mentorat et le travail avec des enfants et des adultes ayant des besoins spéciaux. Our Trustees Étrier Linzi Curateur Linzi a travaillé dans l'administration universitaire au cours des 10 dernières années et fournit actuellement un soutien financier à la recherche aux universitaires en chimie et en physique. Auparavant, elle a travaillé au Canada dans une grande société financière mondiale dans divers postes administratifs. Elle a également une expérience de travail bénévole dans le théâtre, les musées et les galeries d'art au Royaume-Uni et au Canada. Linzi est le chef de projet du projet DARA Big Data basé à l'Université de Manchester, qui vise à fournir aux étudiants de 8 pays africains des compétences en science des données. Étrier Linzi Curateur Linzi a travaillé dans l'administration universitaire au cours des 10 dernières années et fournit actuellement un soutien financier à la recherche aux universitaires en chimie et en physique. Auparavant, elle a travaillé au Canada dans une grande société financière mondiale dans divers postes administratifs. Elle a également une expérience de travail bénévole dans le théâtre, les musées et les galeries d'art au Royaume-Uni et au Canada. Linzi est le chef de projet du projet DARA Big Data basé à l'Université de Manchester, qui vise à fournir aux étudiants de 8 pays africains des compétences en science des données. Étrier Linzi Curateur Linzi a travaillé dans l'administration universitaire au cours des 10 dernières années et fournit actuellement un soutien financier à la recherche aux universitaires en chimie et en physique. Auparavant, elle a travaillé au Canada dans une grande société financière mondiale dans divers postes administratifs. Elle a également une expérience de travail bénévole dans le théâtre, les musées et les galeries d'art au Royaume-Uni et au Canada. Linzi est le chef de projet du projet DARA Big Data basé à l'Université de Manchester, qui vise à fournir aux étudiants de 8 pays africains des compétences en science des données.

  • Menopause project | Asylum seekers and Refugees | Manchester

    Creating a comfortable and friendly space for women to talk about their reproductive health Nous travaillons avec les communautés pour co-créer des opportunités pour les personnes confrontées à des difficultés dans leur vie et qui souhaitent s'intégrer pleinement dans la société. Nous sommes passionnés par l'élimination des barrières sociales, économiques, culturelles et linguistiques afin que les gens puissent avoir une meilleure qualité de vie. Our partner For the first phase of our project we worked with The Menopause Charity to provide three workshops about the menopause for 30 women from three culturally specific groups - South Asian, African and Middle Eastern/Arabic. Each workshop had volunteer interpreters to support the women to engage in myth-busting, facts and perimenopause.

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